Induction to Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame

Lauraine Snelling, Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame

The Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame is an enduring means of honoring those persons of Scandinavian descent in North America who have achieved greatness in their fields of endeavor and/or whose efforts have contributed significantly to the betterment of mankind. Deserving individuals of other ethnicities may be honored with special awards as well.

Through honoring these outstanding individuals, it is hoped that others will be inspired to strive for meaningful accomplishments as well.

The Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame was established in Minot, N.D., in 1984 as a permanent component of Norsk Høsfest. Because Minot hosts North America's largest Scandinavian festival, which strives to build pride in heritage; and because North Dakota is located in the center of the continent's Scandinavian population, it is appropriate that Minot, N.D., be the permanent home of the Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame.

Click here to see Lauraine's inductee page.

Lauraine Snelling Speaking at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame Induction
Lauraine Snelling Speaking at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame Induction
Lauraine with son Brian and husband Wayne at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame Induction
Lauraine with son Brian and husband Wayne at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame Induction
Lauraine attending Induction Banquet at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame
Lauraine attending Induction Banquet at Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame